Access to GESTAR Premium mode is reserved for public or private bodies or professionals who have participated to some degree in sponsoring the development and maintenance of the GESTAR application. Types of sponsorship (agreement, technical assistance, purchasing license) are described online at (Get access to GESTAR Premium licenses). The respective contract models can be downloaded from the website Premium Licences Contract. Please contact the User Help Service by email at for any further questions. We recommend registering at the website (Create Account in web) in order to be notified of updates and access available documentation.
To use GESTAR in Premium mode you will need a licence file, associated exclusively with the computer where the application is installed, available only to Premium users, that have previously register the license as described in section GESTAR Premium registration process.
Using GESTAR in Premium mode does not require an Internet connection and it is compatible with later use in either of the other two modes, Educational and Professional. However, users should remember that networks generated with tools for importing from AutoCAD in the Premium version, of any size, cannot be opened with the Professional version, which does not have this function.